Your Conscious Travel Guide + 6 Tips for More Meaningful Trips

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Your Conscious Travel Guide + 6 Tips for More Meaningful Trips

Conscious Travel
Photo by Deborah Gilbert – Our Global Village

What if your next trip could not only change you but also the world around you?

One person can make a difference. Conscious travel is traveling with intention, responsibility, and awareness. Simply, make choices that benefit the environment and communities you visit. 

Conscious or slow travel is mindful travel. Immerse yourself in the now. Take in the beauty of the moment. Life is so fast today, that we lose sight of what’s important. We rush here and there, checking boxes, which overflows into our travels, creating brash attitudes and negative impacts.

Take a breath and open your eyes to these mindful and actionable travel tips. Bring wonder and appreciation to your exploits and new discoveries. 

Travel Respectfully – Protect the Places You Visit

Conscious Travel - Sheep
Photo by Majaranda

As travel increases across the globe, it’s more crucial than ever to travel consciously

Unfortunately, stories abound of travelers causing harm to livestock in the Scottish Highlands and damage to various global historical sites by thoughtless tourists.

Conscious travel is being aware of your environment and the social impact of your presence. Don’t just travel to check off a list. Travel to experience the moment, history, beauty, and people. Travel is not only impactful for you, but for the communities we visit as well! 

Go ahead – change your life through travel. “Take only memories, leave only footprints”. – Chief Seattle. We are one global family!

Benefits of Conscious Travel – Personal Growth

Why are you traveling? Take it a step further and ask yourself, how do you feel when you travel?

Personal growth through travel evolves from contemplating life, your surroundings, and the local people. Traveling adds new perspectives. What can you learn from the local community? 

Conscious traveling takes you on an adventure to see the sights, but even more importantly, it takes you on a journey of personal growth. This aspect is exponentially more impactful if you are stepping down the path of ancestral explorations. Travel becomes deeper.

While we live in the moment embracing the adventure, be mindful of the importance of uplifting the local communities rather than merely consuming the destination.

Practical Tips to Travel Consciously

Tourism is one of the most powerful economic forces. Conscious travel is not tourist travel. 

Tourists race from one destination to the next, extracting from the communities they pass through, often leaving behind a trail of destruction, overcrowding, and ill feelings by locals.

Conscious travel is slow travel, immersing yourself in the moment, appreciating the locals, and leaving a trail of positive engagement. This is your opportunity to learn new perceptions and rejuvenate your life, as well as those with whom you interact.

Conscious travel is lasting and impactful. Savor the journey and build your library of memories. Here are five tips for embracing conscious traveling.

Tip 1 – Slow Travel – Immersion

Conscious Travel - Smell the roses
Photo from the family collection.

The old adage, “Stop and smell the roses”, explains the essence of slow travel!

Go to fewer places, but experience the places you go on a deeper level. Focus on quality time spent rather than the quantity of checks on a list. The focus of travel should not be how many of the perfect photos, or the most extreme photos, you can take for social media.

The focus should be on the beauty of our planet, and the stories of your global friends. Educate yourself on the communities and embrace the stories people offer.

Tip 2 – Ethical Choices – Accommodations and Transport Choices

Conscious Travel - Sumter - 1912 Bed and Breakfast
Photo by Deborah Gilbert. The 1912 B-n-B in Sumter, SC

Encourage eco-friendly businesses through your support. 

Look for eco-conscious hotels, an AirBnB, or a Bed-and-Breakfast. The Bed and Breakfast (BnB) has the added benefit of meeting the locals and perhaps hearing some fabulous stories. When we traveled through England and Ireland years ago we loved the BnB experience!

Besides eco-friendly accommodations, be mindful of the benefits of public transportation. Rent or bring a bicycle for getting around if walking is too much. 

Tip 3 – Consciously Choose Your Destination – Enrich Your Experience

Conscious Travel - Cruise ships
Photo by Mauricio Mascaro

Avoid the cruise ship vacation to destinations. What? I know how popular they are. 

The off-loading of hundreds of tourists at a time negatively impacts the communities. There are some Greek islands that have started restricting their ports to the big cruise liners because of the devastation left behind by the onslaught of people! 

Other ports also considering restrictions include, Juneau, Alaska; Bar Harbor, Maine; Venice, Italy, and Barcelona, Spain. You will enrich your experience by traveling individually.

Tip 4 – Support Local Businesses – Enrich Yours and Their Lives

Conscious Travel - Beaufort, SC
Photo by Deborah Gilbert. Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant in Beaufort, SC

Traveling is not just the gallery of photos you collect, it’s the journey of enlightenment.

Your presence in a community will impact it. Support the local small business and engage the owner or employee in meaningful conversation. The ambiance and economics are completely different from the malls and chain stores. 

The product quality and personality of artisans enhance the memory. Support local tours for a richer cultural experience. This is, after all, the essence of traveling.

Tip 5 – Travel Respectfully – Preserve the Culture and Environment

Think of your own community. Tourism can simultaneously make or break a town and its people.

Cultural and environmental sensitivity and awareness are crucial. Besides practicing eco-friendly habits, learn about the local customs, languages, and behaviors before traveling there. The Duolingo App is great for learning an appreciation for another language. 

Leave no trace of your presence, other than the positive, uplifting interactions you enjoy with others. Life is precious. Make someone else’s day exceptional.

Tip 6 – Choose Sustainable Activities – Have Fun Consciously

This is not an oxymoron. Choosing activities consciously is fun and rewarding.

For example, we drove through the Redwood Forest on the Pacific Coast. We hiked amongst the breathtakingly beautiful trees, and my grandson stopped and played his guitar as the sun peeked through the trees illuminating him. The surreal serenity – memorable!

Think about all aspects of the activity and possible impacts on yourself, other people, animals, and the environment. Cameras and binoculars are the mainstay of a sustainable trip.

Budget-Friendly Conscious Travel – Don’t Break the Bank 

Conscious Travel - Beach Silhouettes
Photo by Deborah Gilbert – My SmartPhone and the beach – Silhouettes

Conscious travel doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s all in the planning.

Start with simple excursions. Pack a lunch and head out on a day trip to a local beach, mountain, or new or favorite town or park. The escape itself is rejuvenating!

If a longer jaunt beckons, check out AirBnBs, hostels, or Bed and Breakfasts. Traveling during off-peak seasons reduces your costs considerably, as well as reduces the negative impact on the environment. Double-check your destination. Some places close during off-seasons.

Join rewards programs. The Hilton’s Honor program is free. Count on clean rooms, plus breakfast is often included. Also, mitigating its environmental impact is a high priority for them.

Leveraging Technology – Better Travel Planning

Today’s technology adds a whole new level of ease and safety to your travels.

My great-grandparents crossed the US in a covered wagon. Now, we have Google Maps for directions, Google Earth for satellite images, and various online booking apps.

Furthermore, leverage WhatsApp for texting loved ones on international trips. For organizing itineraries TripIt, for help with packing, PackPoint, for a list of travel groups for women, Senior Travel Center site. Try the Happy Cow app for vegan and plant-based restaurants worldwide.

Utilize technology for a safer, exciting, and rewarding trip. This is just a sampling of some of the websites out there. Make sure your source is trustworthy. 

Travel Safety Tips – Plan Smart for a Safe Adventure

Travel sometimes involves risk, so it’s essential to plan and stay informed. 

Traveling with children, solo, or with seniors, each scenario carries its own issues and concerns. Research and plan ahead, especially if traveling internationally.

Research your destination for safety, medical care, accessibility needs, and other special accommodations you may need. If traveling outside the USA, you may want to consider travel insurance, especially for senior travelers.

If you’re planning a long road trip, pack necessities for possible breakdowns or lack of availability of accommodations. Planning is the key to success!

Stay Healthy While Traveling – Be Prepared

Long trips, new environments, and different cuisines can all affect your health!

Staying properly hydrated is one of the first concerns. A staple of conscious travel is a reusable water bottle. Of course, this leads to the need for more pit stops, which adds exercise, so it’s ok.

Along with proper hydration are healthy snacks and meals. Bring a cooler for road trips or pack snacks in carry-on luggage. This is especially important if you have food allergies or health issues. 

This seemingly obvious tip is often forgotten. Furthermore, exercise is crucial to keep the blood circulating. If you’re on a plane or train, get up and walk. If in a car, take pit stops.

Conscious Travel – the Global Impact

Conscious travel is imperative for global survival and preserving the beauty of our earth.

According to the UN Tourism website, travel has returned to 95% of its pre-pandemic numbers globally. This leads to overtourism and strains or destruction of the destination sites. 

The travel industry is reshaping itself with more ethical practices. The Conscious Travel Foundation is a global non-profit organization consisting of travel businesses worldwide that have banded together on a positive impact journey. 

We all play a role in the preservation of the world, its history, and the communities we love to visit. Travel consciously so our children and grandchildren can enjoy the same wonders.

Discover the World and Change It Too

Conscious Travel - London
Photo by Deborah Gilbert – Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, London

You have the power to make every trip you take not just your adventure, but a gift to the world.

Conscious travel starts with small, intentional choices – supporting local communities, reducing environmental impact, and slowing down to really experience the beauty around you.

We all travel for different reasons. The world revolves around travel, and its value to both the travelers and the recipient destinations. Traveling consciously isn’t just better for the world – it makes your journey richer! 

Go ahead, journey forth, slow travel, and fill your heart with the excitement of new discoveries, and new friends, and leave only a positive footprint! The wonders of the world await you. 

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