10 Reasons to Travel Now & How It Will Change Your Life

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10 Reasons to Travel Now & How it Will Change Your Life

Reasons to Travel
Photo by Deborah Gilbert – Top of the world!

Do you dream of traveling? Has the wanderlust bug bitten you yet? 

If you are juggling work, children, or finances, travel might seem unaffordable or not timely. But here’s the truth. You need that break more than you think.

Travel enriches your life, and that of your travel companions, in amazing ways. Whether you explore short trips or long trips, the benefits are endless. The experiences and memories you capture will last a lifetime!

Hop on board and I’ll lay out the 10 most compelling reasons to travel now and how it will transform your life!

1. Time is Precious – Travel While You Can

Reasons to Travel - Time is Precious
Photo by Deborah Gilbert – Time is Precious

None of us have a crystal ball. 

One thing is for certain. Once we take our first breath of life, someday we will take our last, and few of us get a warning as to when that is.

How we live that dash between those two breaths, is life. We will always have obligations and responsibilities. Sometimes they become overwhelming. Pause, and reflect on possible choices and opportunities that present themselves.

Time is a non-renewable resource! Waiting for the right moment to travel could have you missing out on precious, amazing experiences!

2. The World is Your Classroom – Living Education

Reasons to Travel - Architecture
Photo by Deborah Gilbert – Cathedral in Strasbourg, France. The building was started in 1015, relaunched in 1190, and finally finished in 1439. Today it is still the sixth tallest church in the world.

No matter where you travel, you will enrich your life. 

Whether taking a short jaunt to a nearby town or event or planning that once-in-a-lifetime journey, new experiences create new perceptions for you and your travel companions.

Travel brings history to life for children and adults alike. Architecture, culture, and historical artifacts and places create tangible proof of days gone by. If combined with ancestral stories, history becomes personal.

Most importantly, travel broadens children’s horizons. There is no better education than traveling. If foreign travel beckons you, download the Duolingo app for language help.

3. You Deserve a Break – Prioritize Your Well-Being

Reasons to Travel - Stress
Photo by Gerd Altman – Signpost for life

Mental well-being is vastly underrated in this country (USA). 

Stress envelopes you from all angles; employment, finances, and the demands of children and other dependents. Stress impacts you physically and mentally.

Here’s the key – take a break. Like an old-fashioned pressure cooker or an InstaPot, release the pressure or steam for controlled cooking. Just like the safety presentations on airplanes, if the oxygen masks drop, apply yours first, then help your dependents.

You will be a better carer for your loved ones if you prioritize your well-being first. Even micro-trips will help you reset and reenergize your emotions and outlook on life.

4. Make New Connections – Experience New Perceptions

Reasons to Travel - Group travel
Photo by Adrian Dorobantu.

New adventures bring new perspectives.

Whether you are traveling solo, with kids, friends, or family, meeting new people and hearing their stories adds depth and understanding of our global society.

Meeting other travelers adds new dimensions. Apps like Meetup and Backpackr help you meet other travelers with similar interests. I’ve had a lot of fun with meetup groups. You can also book tours for group activities or special sites to see.

The world is your land of opportunity and the people you meet are your invitation to dance to the beat of a new drum.

5. Escape Your Comfort Zone – Personal Growth Empowers

Reasons to Travel - Ellis Island
Photo by Deborah Gilbert – Ellis Island where thousands of immigrants said yes to change.

New experiences challenge your way of thinking. 

Seeking discomfort causes personal growth. Try new activities and challenge your fears. Or, try the same activities in new places or with new people.

Thomas Brag, co-founder of the Yes Theory YouTube channel, “believes that life’s greatest moments and deepest connections exist outside of your comfort zone”.  Only by expanding your life’s experiences do you achieve personal growth.

Create a “say yes” mindset while traveling to push your limits. Live your life to the fullest in between your first and last breath!

6. Capture Incredible Memories – Capitalize Every Experience

Reason to Travel - Memories
Photo by Jessica Lewis

The memories you create will last a lifetime.

Invest in a camera or simply utilize your smartphone. Capture your moments of accomplishments or eye-opening experiences for posterity. 

Also, journaling or blogging your adventures and how you felt, allows you to relive them at a whim. Don’t shortchange yourself. Reexperiencing your exploits can be a shot in the arm when you need to be rejuvenated.

Take advantage of your journeys. Enhance your children’s lives by capturing incredible memories for sharing and discussing later.

7. Experience Natural Wonders – Discover Our World’s Beauty

Reasons to Travel - Redwood Forest
Photo by Deborah Gilbert – Redwood Forest, California

Natural wonders abound and await your discovery.

Anything can be Googled. YouTube offers videos of almost everything. Treat these as appetizers or trailers. Seeing amazing places personally broadens your horizons.

Of course, there are famous natural wonders like the Grand Canyon, the Badlands, the Redwood Forest, the Scottish Highlands, the Alps, and the oceans. The list is endless! Don’t shortchange your local wonders though. Nature’s beauty is everywhere.

Our planet is covered in natural wonders. Plan your trip to include natural landmarks. Apps like AllTrails can help you find nearby hiking trails or scenic spots in nature. 

8. Embrace Your Innerself – Travel is a Jaunt in Self-discovery

Reasons to Travel - Mt Hood
Photo by Deborah Gilbert – Mt Hood, Oregon

Traveling, especially solo travel, is a journey of self-discovery.

Allow time in your exploits for self-reflection and embracing your inner thoughts. What matters most to you? This is a time for pondering your life. 

As you experience new places, new sceneries, and meet new people, think about new possibilities. Plan a retreat periodically where you can disconnect from daily routines and get new perspectives. Capture photos that will regenerate your feelings.

Live in the moment for a full experience, but keep a reflexive journal or blog of your feelings along the way to track your personal growth.

9. Gain a Fresh Perspective – Break Free from Routine

Reasons to travel - Freedom
Photo by Deborah Gilbert – Freedom

Travel shifts your mindset so you can gain a fresh perspective on life. 

Tourist sites are fun, but ensure your itinerary includes off-the-beaten-path areas. Often they offer more in authenticity and local culture than the checklist of must-sees.

Choose destinations vastly different from your usual and customary environment. Open your heart to new people. We are all part of a global family. Embracing other people’s perspectives can change your life.

Don’t rob yourself of the opportunity to see things through new eyes. Your life will be enriched by new perspectives.

10. Life is Too Short for Regrets – Travel Before It’s Too Late

Reasons to travel - Life is short
Photograph by Jordan Benton

You may have a bucket list of destinations, but are waiting to check them off. 

Remember the first and last breath we discussed earlier? Live the dash in between now! You never know when your last breath will arrive.

Prioritize your bucket list. If the goals are too big to accomplish now, don’t deprive yourself of mini-goals. Start creating a smaller list of adventures. Even a succession of day trips will enrich your life.

If you need help planning or organizing your trips, the app, TripIt, could help. Go on, see new places, and meet new people. You’ll re-energize your life!


Your Next Adventure Awaits – Don’t Let It Pass You By

Reasons to Travel - Time Passing You By

You’ve been dreaming about it for a reason – Travel transforms your life!

Challenge yourself to make this checklist your first step. The right time is now. Enrich your life with new adventures. Whether it’s a day trip or the trip of a lifetime, each one will recharge you.

You deserve to see the world, or whatever part of it strikes your fancy. Take the leap and unlock the magic! Travel that ribbon of highway or soar through the clouds, wherever your heart takes you. Don’t let routine or demands hold you back.

Life is short. Live your dash to the utmost. “If you think travel is dangerous, try routine, it’s lethal”. – Paolo Coelho.

Go ahead. Change your life.